Saturday, February 2, 2008

A Chattering Mind

Too much of a chattering mind keeps me sometimes from listening to my heart. If I lose focus then I'm not free to be creative.
Being on the computer and learning all these new ways of doing things plus keeping up with the organizational stuff gets to me. The flow is gone because I freeze up sometimes.
What do you do when it seems overwhelming?
Do you feel like your career and listening to advice (chattering) takes up most of your time?
Getting clear and meditating is the only way to stop the noise. Many people use yoga. I don't because I've been hurt twice doing it. I use mandalas to meditate or walking in nature. What are mandalas, you ask? They are circles where you draw in whatever you want without the critical noise. Early Christians, Navajos and Tibetan Monks use it for healing. Labyrinths are mandalas too. The Chartes Cathedral in France has one.
My main goal is to be at all times my authentic self. The self that God made.

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