Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Here's a Question

Here's a question that my husband and I talked about this morning. Jim Rohn came up with this question. "What kind of person do you need to be to be a success in your business". So today I'm going to go out of the house (where my studio is) find a spot and really think about it.

Because I've been somewhat confused and maybe sending out mixed messages, I really need to focus on what kind of person I need to be and what kind of art that entails. The law of attraction works with a very clear message.

My thoughts have been clearer and attracting some good things but I think I'm ready now to be even clearer in my mind of what I want. I know that being very specific about my goals and focus will help me with that question above.

So are you ready to ask that question of yourself?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Loving What Is

Loving what is AND isn't is a real test of my ability to be who I really am. I can hide behind all kinds of masks but being genuine at all times even to get hurt is the real test.
Loving my art and putting it out there can be scary but knowing I'm doing my very best at this particular time is all I can do.
I used to be so intense that it was stressing me out and raising my blood pressure.
I don't want to live like that.
Trusting that my art abilities are a gift God has given me. I don't want to waste it
suffering for my art. I want to embrace it and love it for what it is.
this image is 36x12 $1800.00

Monday, April 14, 2008

Pursuing an Art Life

Pursuing an Art Life is more that just making pictures or sculpture or whatever creative activity you do. I chose painting (I have done one sculpture on the right called "Warrior Woman"). It's thinking better of myself and what worth I can bring to the table of the world. I've been given this desire and gift and it requires more than making art.
So this journey is made up of slowly building a painting inventory. That also helps to practice your techniques and the more you paint the more you are not self conscious about how but what you do.
Then the drive kicks in because pursuing an art life means marketing yourself to galleries, fairs,etc. which requires much knowledge about computer skills, writing, photography and a lot of other things. Are you up to the challenge?

Monday, April 7, 2008

Pick & Choose

There are only so many hours a day and the energy to fill those hours. So I have to pick and choose what I'm going to accomplish. I've become a little more organized. By doing my cleaning on Saturdays , that takes it off my mind during the week so I can concentrate on my art business.

The morning starts for me by being grateful for a whole new day and then journaling or reading really good stuff to start the day positive. Walking for 35 minutes, then breakfast. Oh I forgot coffee, coffee first.

Going to my drafting table, I start there with a Mandala or working on my granddaughter Ally's book. That starts the juices flowing so I can just be when I face the canvas. Because when I do that I'm in an absorbing time to what can flow through me.

I work on 2 or 3 different pieces. Sometimes I cover over a whole painting or on an older painting I pick and choose what I won't cover and what I will cover.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

New Painting

Centering is the name of the painting on the right. The size is 36x12 acrylic on board and is priced at $1800. Now that the advertising is over, I'd like to talk about centering or focusing and making your work easier. With all the hoopla going around like TV, Computer, Cell Phone, IPOD's, etc. I wonder what kind of energy is being drained from your body and brain. All this stuff has been developed basically in the last 12 years so no one knows what long term effects it will have on our nervous system.
What kind of tools can we develop to stop from harming ourselves? I believe meditation, prayer, being in nature, creating can help big time. What other tools can help us on our journey? Let me know what you think.
Centering helps me maintain my balance. Lets me come up with new and exciting ideas. Helps me grow in healthy ways.